My time during the eight months that I volunteered for the Tibetan Aid Project and lived at the Nyingma Institute were life changing.

I lived within a community of people whose main goal was to raise money to donate to Tibetans in exile. I volunteered as a graphic designer, but also lived within the community, cooking, cleaning and learning—about myself and my place in the world. What it takes to tranform yourself to the person you want to be.

Hello, I’m Liza S.

I've been practicing yoga for thirty amazing years, and it's truly become a cornerstone of my life.

My journey started three decades ago when I was looking for inner peace and better physical health. Since then, I've dived into various yoga styles like Hatha, Bikram, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga, each one deepening my love and understanding of yoga.

Yoga has brought so many positive changes to my life. It’s given me physical strength, flexibility, and balance, along with mental clarity, emotional resilience, and spiritual growth. Whenever life gets tough, I find comfort and strength on my mat.

After seeing how much yoga improved my life and the lives of those around me, I decided to become a certified yoga teacher. I’m passionate about sharing yoga’s holistic benefits with others. My teaching philosophy is all about creating a welcoming and inclusive space where everyone can explore yoga and discover their path to wellness.

In my classes, you'll find thoughtful sequences, a focus on breathwork, and detailed alignment instructions. I also weave in mindfulness and meditation, helping students connect deeply with themselves. My goal is to make yoga accessible to everyone, no matter their age or ability.

As a yoga teacher, I'm here to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and healing. I’m dedicated to inspiring and supporting my students, helping them unlock their potential and embrace a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. With my years of experience and deep love for yoga, I strive to be a trusted and caring guide in the yoga community.